You must file Form N-644 within two years of your late loved one’s death, whether they were serving in the U.S. Armed Forces or died from complications resulting from prior service.
Follow these steps to complete the application in full:
Fill Out the Form
You can download and print a copy of Form N-644 from the USCIS website. Make sure the form your complete is marked with the correct edition. The USCIS only accepts these two editions:
You only need to complete Part I of the application. Parts II through IV are for internal office purposes with the USCIS, Department of Defense, and the relevant branch of the military.
Include Extra Pages and Translations as Necessary
If you need more room to answer questions in full, you can write that information on extra sheets of paper and include those with your application.
If you fill out the application in a language other than English, you must submit a certified translation of the form. The translator must sign and certify the translated document.
Gather Evidence
You must submit relevant proof of your loved one’s military service record, death, relationship to you, and other information. Necessary evidence includes:
- Authorization documents: Depending on your relationship to the deceased, you may need to get approval from all living next of kin, who will sign relevant sections of the form. You may also need to submit certified documentation of being named the deceased’s executor or administrator if that is your role.
- Relevant military records/certificates: You will need to submit a copy of Form DD 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge From Active Duty. You can also request a copy of this form from the VA.
- Proof of death: You will also need to submit a copy of Form DD 1300, Report of Casualty/Military Death Certificate, or another military- or state-issued death certificate.
Do not submit original copies of these documents unless you are told otherwise. Submit only clear photocopies of official documents to keep the originals for your files.
Send in the Completed Application
Mail to the USCIS California Service Center in Laguna Niguel, California.
How Much does It Cost to File Form N-644?
You do not have to pay processing fees to file Form N-644, Application for Posthumous Citizenship.