If you are interested in supporting a foreign national attempting to obtain their green card, you will need to submit form I – 864EZ affidavit of support under Section 213A. Ensuring this document is filled out accurately is paramount if you hope to avoid any complications in your sponsorship.
When you have questions or concerns surrounding Form I-864EZ, but you do not know where to turn for help, you can speak with our immigration attorneys at New Frontier Immigration Law for support.
What Is Form I-864EZ?
For a foreign national to receive a green card and become a U.S. permanent resident, the U.S. citizen or permanent resident petitioner must show to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) that they are ready and can support this individual financially for a significant period.
This helps show the U.S. government that the immigrant in question is less likely to become a public charge or someone who is more likely to require or receive government assistance, including SNAP, TANF, and other welfare programs. The petitioner in question must fill out Form I-864 Affidavit of Support when petitioning and sponsoring an immigrant.
What does the Form I-864EZ Affidavit of Support Demonstrate?
Form I-864EZ Affidavit of Support shows the petitioners or sponsors promise that they will support the immigrant financially or reimburse the government for any welfare programs or government assistance the immigrant participates in.
What Proving Your Capacity To Support the Immigrant Will Require
To prove you have the capability of financially supporting the immigrant, you must have income and assets of a minimum of 125% more income than someone who would be considered living in poverty under the U.S. poverty guidelines.
Form I-864EZ is a shorter form used for petitioners only sponsoring one person and only a salary or pension as income. Form I-864EZ is for individuals with no assets. It can also be used by individuals who aren’t the petitioner.
For example, suppose the petitioner or sponsor in question does not have sufficient income to support the immigrant. In that case, separate sponsors, who live outside the home, can fill out an affidavit of support on the immigrant’s behalf.
Filling Out Form I-864EZ
When you are filling out form Form I-864EZ, write with black ink or type your answers into the form via a computer or electronic device. Be sure to avoid writing outside the spaces provided for your answer, as this could delay the processing of your application.
Part 9 allows for additional information if you need more space available than the area provides. Include your alien registration number (A-Number), the page number, part number, and item number on each sheet. Be sure to sign and date each page. If a question does not apply to you, do not leave it blank. Instead, print or type “N/A.”
Parts 1-4
Part one goes over whether your petition to get the immigrant a visa or a green card based on your family relationship. There may be joint sponsors if there are multiple family members sponsoring an immigrant or substitute sponsors if someone is signing in place of a petitioner who has passed away.
Part two goes over information regarding the principal immigrant, while in part three, you will provide information about yourself as the sponsor. Part four will go over your household size and how many people you will be financially responsible for.
Part 5 – Sponsor’s Employment and Income
Part five goes over the sponsor’s employment and income. Here are some of the key details you need to know about the questions in part five of form Form I-864EZ:
- Questions 1−5: Questions one through six will go over your job title, your employment records, your retirement information, and self-employment income.
- Question 6: Question six will determine your total income from your most recent federal income tax return. This will determine whether you meet the eligibility requirements for sponsorship based on your affidavit of support. Remember, your federal income tax must be sufficient and greater than 125% of the federal poverty level for your household size.
Provide information regarding the income of other household members, but do not have enough income alone to provide financial support to the immigration. Each family member must also complete a separate agreement with the petitioner, using Form I-864A.
USCIS will be looking for your total income, found on your Form 1040. If you are married, you need to determine your separate income to use as your personal income on your affidavit of support form Form I-864EZ.
Part 6 – Sponsor Statement, Contact Information, Declaration, Etc.
Part eight goes over the sponsor’s contract, their statement, their contact information, their declaration of financial support, and includes certification and a handwritten signature.
Part 7 – Interpreter’s Contact Information, Certification, and Signature
Note whether you or an interpreter read the affidavit. The interpreter will provide their contact information here.
Part 8 – Contact Information, Declaration, and Signature of the Preparer
This portion is for another person that’s preparing the form (if that is not the sponsor). This person would provide their contact information here. If the preparer and interpreter are the same person, have them complete both parts 7 and 8.
If you used a business to prepare the form, a business representative should use the business name. This party must handwrite their signature.
Part 9 – Additional Information
Here, you can provide any information you didn’t have room for earlier on the form.
Meet With an Immigration Attorney for Help
Immigration laws in the United States are complex. However, you can recruit a powerful legal advocate to your side. This way, you can understand what documents you need to fill out, what information they need to contain, and what steps you need to take if your application is rejected.
Call for a confidential strategic session with a dedicated immigration professional at New Frontier Immigration Law today when you call our office or fill out our quick contact form. We can help you with many immigration-related issues.