There are 29 circuit judges in the Ninth Circuit. Like the judges in the other 12 circuit courts, the judges in the Ninth Circuit were all appointed by presidents. The current Chief Judge of the Ninth Circuit, Judge Mary H. Murguia, was appointed to the court by President Barack Obama in 2011. Other presidents who have appointed standing judges in the Ninth Circuit include Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Donald Trump, and Joe Biden.
There are 16 judges that were appointed by Democratic presidents, while 13 were appointed by Republican presidents. In many cases, the appointing president’s political party indicates how a judge tends to rule, especially on cases dealing with core values and issues of that political party. However, it is their duty as circuit court judges to rule fairly based on the evidence.
Who Are the Ninth Circuit Court Judges in Arizona?
Circuit court judges have chambers located in certain areas within the circuit. The judges who serve in Phoenix, Arizona, are:
- Judge Mary H. Murguia
- Judge Bridget S. Bade
- Judge Roopali Desai (incoming 2022)
However, just because your appeal was filed from a certain state or territory doesn’t mean that you will have a judge whose chambers are in that state. The Chief Judge ensures that there is an equal distribution of cases per judge, and it may be a random drawing that assigns a particular judge to a case. In fact, Ninth Circuit cases are heard in San Francisco, Pasadena, Seattle, and Portland.
There are also senior judges who have served for many decades and still take on some of the circuit’s caseload. That makes 51 total judges in the circuit.