It´s a difficult position the detainee is placed in and it goes the same way for the family of the detainee. One of our goals in life is to get as many people out of the detention centers as possible. So today we are going to go over some questions about detention centers.
What are the detention centers like for immigrants?
The detention centers are a lot like prison. The floors are all concrete and there are very heavy doors everywhere you go and it´s surrounded with barbed wire.
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What type of food is served at the detention center?
Everybody needs good meals to survive. A lot of times people have problems with the food that is served at the detention centers. Right now during COVID-19 most people are eating bologna sandwiches for three meals a day. So it’s a sad lunch for three meals. It upsets people´s whole digestive tract and it makes them feel absolutely terrible.
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Is there a way to donate food to the people at the detention center?
Unfortunately no, there’s no way to donate food to the detention center. But if you have a loved one that is detained, you can use Amazon to buy them a book and ship it through Amazon to a loved one at the detained center. Just be sure to put in their name, the A number and then the facilities address.
If you have a family member or friend in a detention center and you have any questions, please reach out to us 623-742-5400. We are happy to help you!