When I started the Law Office of Hillary Gaston Walsh in early 2014, I was a young lawyer taking care of my 9-month-old twins. I had just left a commercial litigation firm due to my husband’s job in the Air Force moving us to Korea. I decided to take my first asylum appeal. And I won it. And the next one, and the next. I soon realized that I couldn’t help as many people as I wanted to without a team. I also realized that the firm I wanted to build was about so much more than me, Hillary Gaston Walsh. It is about you–the client–beginning your new journey to having lawful residency in the US.
When we moved into our new building, we officially changed the firm name to New Frontier to reflect our mission: to create a new frontier forward for you, for your family, and for our country. From all of us at New Frontier, we’re honored to be part of your journey.
In this interview, Hillary Gaston Walsh predicts what the next steps will be as the US government rolls out new policies for asylum-seekers arriving though Mexico.